I got another award!! :) Thanks so much to Mel at The Cartoon Bubble for giving me this award. I am very excited. I also have to apologize for taking so long to post it. I have had some personal stuff going on and I am trying to figure a few things out about blogging so I have let myself be distracted. I really appreciate the award.
I'm supposed to nominate 5 blogs that show Attitude and/or Gratitude. Here are my 5 nominations for what I love to read:
These are just a few of the blogs I love to read. I am a blogging addict. I keep a blog open on my desk almost all the time. Reading, linking to another, it is fun for me. I learn alot of good recipes, get great coupon ideas, all kinds of freebies it is great.
Thank you so much! So, do I show attitude or gratitude? LOL!
I notice that you're from the South! Whereabouts?
OMG! Thank you! I've only been blogging a week! This is awesome! :-D *huge grin*
Awww...thank you my friend. I hope to get it up soon...maybe this weekend. :)
Thank you!!!! I was so surprised to see your message in my email! This is great!!!
Thanks so much for playing along!
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