Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Family Highlights

I have done a lot of posts lately about the great deals I have found from one store or the other but what I have not mentioned much about lately is my family. I have been terrible not to make pictures of events and even if I did make pictures I have not posted them. So here goes!!This is my youngest. All "A" Honor roll and Certificate of Excellence in Participation of all projects and events. She was given these last week during the awards presentation at her school.

My middle daughter was re-elected as the class treasurer for her sophomore year (yes notice the lack of picture here)

My oldest daughter was admitted into the 100 club. Top 100 GPA sophomore thru seniors. (again lack of picture)

My 2 older daughters also ended the school year with all A's.

I don't tell them enough how proud I am of them for all their hard work in school.


Now onto some sports pictures:

My 2 oldest girls are playing on the same travel softball team this year. A wonderful mom of one of the girls who always has her camera got a few pictures of them:

This is my oldest laying down a bunt.
My middle daughter catching.

Team photo.... they won the tournament despite the rainy weather.

My two are squatting and standing on the left side.

And my youngest is also on a travel team. They played locally this weekend and I did make some pictures of her but did I mention I am not a great photographer (lol).

I will do better next time. Her team came in third BTW. It was a great day. Weather got damp and cool but not to bad really.

So that is pretty much how we spent the weekend and Memorial Day was spent cleaning house and beginning to get ready for a yard sale.


Sherrie said...

I'm glad things are going well for your girls! I'm sure you're a proud momma! I used to play catcher back in my softball playing days. :) My son is now playing T-ball...waiting to see if the game tonight will be rained out. It seems we've had rain every day since last Wednesday...STINKS!

valentine said...

wow, you have such an awesome family, very impressive!
thanks for stopping by my blog to say hi, hope to hear from you again!

Mrs. Lefler said...

Your girls are beautiful! I played ALL sports in school but my kids didn't, well the two that are old enough for school. My two year old seems to be leaning toward Rock Star cause he likes to be center of attention!
I miss going to games. You are a very lucky Mom. Thanks also for stopping by my blog. You could feed a softball crowd with my Down East Bake! Have a beautiful day it is a wonderful day to have one!

Lisa @ Simply Things Family said...

Very nice to share with us! Looks like you have a great family!