Friday, July 23, 2010

....A Little Update

I will be heading out of town for a few days. Middle daughters team will be playing in a World Series. Her team has been planning to go for sometime but I was not sure if I would be able to go.

Then with the accident I decided for sure not to go.... and then..... that little voice inside your head that tells you to slow down and enjoy your children while they are still children ....YELLED at me. So off to South Carolina we all go. I am really looking forward to it.

After all, next year about this time I will be taking a long drive and leaving my first born at college. Heaven help me.

PS... I am so behind on all your blogs, I promise to catch up soon. Posting will be sporadic. I will miss all of you.


Liz Mays said...

I hope you have a great time! Getting back on the horse always helps!

Laura@The Oily Cupboard said...

have a great trip and relax!

RaD said...

Have fun! That's definitely something I wouldn't want to miss out on!

myletterstoemily said...

i'm not sure what accident you mean. i
must have missed that post. hope it wasn't
too terrible.

have fun and soak up your girls. you will
never regret it.

Connie said...

I hope you have a great trip! :D

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Have a nice trip, Denise... Hope your team wins lots of games...


Chatty Crone said...

Go enjoy your kids the blogs will always be here. sandie

Debbie said...

I hope you are having a great trip! I'm happy for you that you decided to go.