Friday night we headed to a nearby town to watch the high school football jamboree.... our team never got started, but we did get some much needed rain.
Saturday we all headed out in different directions, youngest daughter to the farm to work/ride (really to hot to do much), middle daughter tried out for a travel softball team (she made the team), oldest daughter was my driver for my youngest and managed to work in some shopping along the way. Her senior pictures are today so she needed one more dress. I helped my sister-in-law move. After an ugly divorce about a year ago she has finally moved out of the house she lived in for 27 years. It was a long emotional day but in the end it was a good day.
Saturday night I was one tired woman but not the older girls. They were all excited to be going frog gigging (sp?). The high school hosted a frog gigging tourney. Both of the older girls were all set. They did ok, each of their teams did find some frogs, but the winning team brought in about 15 lbs.

Sorry for the tiny picture but this was made with my daughters phone and she sent it to me via email. The girl in the middle is a great friend.
Hope you all had wonderful weekeds as well!!
Your weekend sounds busy but lots of fun. How nice that you helped your sister in law move. I am sure she appreciated the support. Frog gigging? :)
You family was so busy! Now I feel like I was really lazy last weekend.
i have no idea what frog gigging is but they look cute.
Wow, what a busy weekend!!! I've never heard of frog gigging!
Sounds like you had all had a fun but busy weekend! Cute picture of the girls. :)
Very busy!!! Sorry about your SIL it's not easy when that happens. So I have never heard of frog gigging, not sure I want to know!
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