Wednesday, November 3, 2010

I Voted!!

Ok.... so actually I voted yesterday but it was late when I wrote this post!

Yesterday, I had the rare opportunity to go with my oldest daughter when she voted for the very first time. I was so proud of her that she got her voter reg card on her own (she turned 18 in Aug.) so she would be able to vote in this election.
And yesterday I read another blog and the blogger mentioned just how pround she was to be able to vote. Generally this is something I take for granted.... but then I started to think about my great-grandmother, she was born in the late 1800's so the right to vote wasn't something she was born with.... it was something she earned.

And my beautiful daughter, allowig mom to take a picture to remember this special day, she knows it is important.
So I ask you..... do you take the time to make your voice heard?


Melissa said...

How exciting! I don't remember the very first time I voted, but I remember the first time I voted in a presidential election.

I always take my son (now 13yo) into the voting booth with me. Yesterday I pressed a button to answer a public question, and he said something like, "Really? Is that what you want to do?"

Jodi said...

I voted first voted 7 years ago. I came home from college just to vote. I didn't want to vote for other things on the ballet, though. It was very overwhelming, so most of which I left blank.
Lately, I have not gotten myself to re-register to vote since I have moved. When I lived in Puerto Rico, I was confused about the voting laws. But I must say, they were VERY proud of their rights to vote. They would drive through the streets sitting out the window waving flags and honking. I wish we were a bit more like them in that way!!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Her first vote, how exciting. Yes I voted, we vote by mail for each election.

Shana Putnam said...

I voted! I am so impressed with your daughter knowing how important it is too. There are so many young people who don't really care.

Anonymous said...

Good for her, that's wonderful. I took my son to vote!

Alexis AKA MOM said...

what a beautiful post and a great thing I need to remember. I know I don't always use this great privilege that was fought hard for me.

Debbie said...

I love voting. And earlier I had the privilege of going with my oldest kids to vote in a primary for the first time.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Glad you voted, Denise... We 'early-voted' here --to keep from standing in line... Voting is so important --and I get upset when Americans don't take the time to do it... They think their vote won't matter --but it does....

Congrats to your oldest daughter --who is now old enough to vote....

I was pleased with most of the election results this time.

Chatty Crone said...

I voted. sandie

Lori said...

That's awesome! How cool that you took a picture to remember the day with! :)