Friday, September 16, 2011

Helpful Hint - Make Your Own Drain Cleaner

Pour a scoopful of baking soda in your slow drain and follow it by a cup of vinegar until the bakind soda is dissolved. Watch it bubble and fizz and leave for 15-30 minutes and wash it down with a large saucepan full of boiling water. Do this until you see improvement.

See more Helpful Hints here.

Have a Helpful Hint to share? Please leave me a comment and I will be glad to share it for you.


Debby@Just Breathe said...

That's a good one, thanks!

Drain Opener said...

Helpful Hint - Make Your Own Drain Cleaner. Pour a scoopful of baking soda in your slow drain and follow it by a cup of vinegar until the ...