First stop Food Lion (closest one about 45 minutes away so I never shop there) but since I had to be there anyway I figured I should make good use of my time.
Stop one - Food Lion
4 Pepsi 2ltrs $3.98 - FLIP $2.00 & Buy 3 get 1 free coupon on bottle
Hi-C Juice boxes $2.00 - FLIP $1.00
KC Masterpiece 2.21
Pork Chops 6.81 - FLIP $1.00 & -$6.00 coupon for $6.00 off pork and charcoal and b-Que sauce.
I got all this for $11.11. I saved $17.49 in coupons and sales. A good trip for someone who never shops Food Lion.
Stop #2: JC Penny
Stop 3 Zaxby's
Used my free Meal Deal coupon I got for signing up for email so free supper.
All and all a pretty good night of deals. If I had never started blogging I would have never know about any of these great deals. I am really having fun with this.
Thanks for the head's up on the Zaxby's!! Great deal.
That's a beautiful shirt, too. Way to go!
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