Monday, February 21, 2011

An Update and a few Winter Formal Pictures

Well, we have really had a lot going on in the last week or so......

Oldest daughter has been notified she will be graduating magna cum laude.

Middle daughter has had a recruiting dinner with a small college.

Youngest daughter is still volunteering at the vet's office twice a week and had the chance to go to the farm where is used to volunteer for the first time in several months.

Softball practice has started for the 2 older girls and they have been blessed with some very warm weather.

Youngest daughter received her application for Jr. High Academic Conference in Knoxville this summer. I really hope she gets in.

And now onto the dance.....

We borrowed the dress oldest daughter is wearing. It was beautiful on her. A vintage dress we borrowed from a family friend. Middle daughters dress came from Charlotte Rouse (we got a very good deal).

The kids all went as a group this year. They all met at the local Pizza Hut to eat and then headed to the dance.

Several of the girls posed for me.... notice the guys were quick to turn their backs. They had lots of fun. I really think they only put balloons on the floor so the guys and pop them. I heard balloons bursting all night.


Jenna said...

Congratulations to your girls!!!
the formal looked like so much fun...oh to be young again.....*sigh* :o)

Connie said...

Wow! Congratulations to all of your daughters! Sounds like you all have been very busy. Your daughters are lovely. I bet they had a great time at the dance. :)

Rebecca said...

They are all so beautiful and smart too! good work mom!

kelly said...

What beautiful girls. Looks like fun. Congratulations on their success!!

Surprised By Joy! said...

Your daughters are lovely...they look like they are having a good time. :)


Darcie said...

Your girls are just beautiful, and your heart must be so proud!

Tiz said...

I was so ready for some more pics of your beautiful daughters.

Nonna said...

Beautiful and very accomplished girls...what a sweet blessing they all are !!!

gayle said...

Congrats to your daughters! YOu must be very proud!

RaD said...

Wow! That's a lot of accomplishments. You must be one proud mama!