Well, we have really had a lot going on in the last week or so......
Oldest daughter has been notified she will be graduating magna cum laude.
Middle daughter has had a recruiting dinner with a small college.
Youngest daughter is still volunteering at the vet's office twice a week and had the chance to go to the farm where is used to volunteer for the first time in several months.
Softball practice has started for the 2 older girls and they have been blessed with some very warm weather.
Youngest daughter received her application for Jr. High Academic Conference in Knoxville this summer. I really hope she gets in.
And now onto the dance.....
We borrowed the dress oldest daughter is wearing. It was beautiful on her. A vintage dress we borrowed from a family friend. Middle daughters dress came from Charlotte Rouse (we got a very good deal).
Congratulations to your girls!!!
the formal looked like so much fun...oh to be young again.....*sigh* :o)
Wow! Congratulations to all of your daughters! Sounds like you all have been very busy. Your daughters are lovely. I bet they had a great time at the dance. :)
They are all so beautiful and smart too! good work mom!
What beautiful girls. Looks like fun. Congratulations on their success!!
Your daughters are lovely...they look like they are having a good time. :)
Your girls are just beautiful, and your heart must be so proud!
I was so ready for some more pics of your beautiful daughters.
Beautiful and very accomplished girls...what a sweet blessing they all are !!!
Congrats to your daughters! YOu must be very proud!
Wow! That's a lot of accomplishments. You must be one proud mama!
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